
Прошедшее простое или длительное

Приветствуем вас на очередном уроке! И продолжаем путешествовать по временам английского языка! Сегодня мы рассмотрим прошедшее простое или длительное – в чем разница употребления.

Прошедшее простое или длительное

прошедшее простое или длительное


I. Past Continuous or Past Simple?

1. Yesterday we / to buy a delicious tart. 2. Yesterday at 5 o’clock I / to slog at English. 3. I / to see them the other day. 4. She / to mug the poem for the whole evening. 5. We / to read the text at the last lesson. 6. The participants / to lure worms for an hour. 7. We / to empty the juice box yesterday. 8. Granny / to take off her glasses and / not / can / to see / something. 9. The family / to travel all over the world for two months. 10. The puppy / to hide from us the whole evening.

II. Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. At the last picnic the rain / to wet us a lot. 2. The squirrel / to hide nuts in the leaves in autumn and / not / can / to find them. 3. Where is my pie? Who / to eat it? 4. What / you / to do at that moment? – I / to decide Maths problems. 5. When / you / to get up? – I / to wake up at 8 o’clock. 6. The fly / to fly and / to hum in the room for the whole evening. 7. Yesterday in the morning they / to dig in the garden. 8. While she / to put things in order, she / to listen to some music. 9. The boys / to bully the girls for the whole break. 10. A week ago she / to think of a new story.

Ответы на тему прошедшее простое или длительное

I. Past Continuous or Past Simple?

1. Yesterday we bought a delicious tart. 2. Yesterday at 5 o’clock I was slogging at English. 3. I saw them the other day. 4. She was mugging the poem for the whole evening. 5. We read the text at the last lesson. 6. The participants were luring worms for an hour. 7. We emptied the juice box yesterday. 8. Granny took off her glasses and couldn’t see / something. 9. The family was travelling all over the world for two months. 10. The puppy was hiding from us the whole evening.

II. Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. At the last picnic the rain wetted us a lot. 2. The squirrel hid nuts in the leaves in autumn and couldn’t find them. 3. Where is my pie? Who ate it? 4. What were you doing at that moment? – I was deciding Maths problems. 5. When did you get up? – I woke up at 8 o’clock. 6. The fly was flying and humming in the room for the whole evening. 7. Yesterday in the morning they were digging in the garden. 8. While she was putting things in order, she was listening to some music. 9. The boys were bullying the girls for the whole break. 10. A week ago she thought of a new story.


Итак, дорогие ученики! Мы с вами путешествовали в прошедшее время и даже в два прошедших времени – простое и длительное. Сделали ли вы упражнения? Проверили ли ответы? Подписывайтесь на наш канал! Оставляйте свои комментарии и задавайте вопросы, если они у вас появились. А также заглядывайте в предыдущие уроки. Простое будущее время. Модальный глагол should. Как задать вопрос к подлежащему. Все про артикли в 3 классе. Читайте интересные тексты для 3 класса: съедобная посуда. Необычный матч на футбольном поле – игра четырех команд. Странный спорт – драка подушками. Королевство гномов. Самый узкий дом. И до встречи на следующем занятии! See you soon!

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