
Все времена simple

Итак, дорогие ученики, приветствую вас на уроке, на котором мы начинаем второй год обучения английскому языку – согласно двухгодичному курсу. Как всегда, новый этап начинается с повторения, и сегодня, пожалуй, стоит повторить все времена simple. Поскольку они – фундамент, на который надстраиваются остальные времена. Более того, мы расширяем знания английского языка, добавляя к ним новые рубрики. А именно, идиомы.

Текст. Ваня и канцелярские принадлежности. VANYA AND STATIONARY.

Before schooling Mom has always bought stationary for Vanya. Copy-books, paints, rulers, rubbers, and, of course, a lot of simple pencils. This time in the span-new pencil-box there were 12 span-new pencils. They were quite the same and didn’t differ from each other. They were very friendly and helped each other when Vanya had a lot to draw and to write. But strangely Vanya used the only pencil and more, than other eleven.

It wasn’t understandable, but Vanya regularly drew with the 12th pencil that often broke down and Vanya sharpened it frequently. With the course of the time the 12th pencil got shorter and shorter. Other 11 pencils were sorry for him, but could do nothing.

At last, the 12th brother became so small, that Vanya couldn’t write with him. 11 pencils were upset: all finished-off pencils are thrown away, as a rule. And can you guess? What happened to the 12th brother? Vanya planted him in the flower-bed in front of the entrance of his house. He knew that in the stub of the pencil there is a seed. If he puts the remainder of this pencil into the soil, a new big tree is bound to grow up. He will pass by the tree, making for school, and smile at the tree recollecting, how one of the pencils-brothers helped him to learn well.      

Словарик к тексту.

словарь все времена simple
картинки про школу

Все времена simple. Главные глаголы – to be, to have, modal verbs.

To be (am, is, are)
Если действие отсутствует, не звучит: We are in the street.
To be (was, were)
Был, были в прошлом и это уже звучит в речи:
We were in the street.
To be (shall be, will be)
Будет в будущем, так же отражается в речи: We will be in the street.
To have (have / has got)
I have (got) a task.
To have (had)
I had a task.
To have (shall / will have)
I will have a task.  
Modal verbs.
Can, must, would – без частички to  
I can play the guitar.
I must play the guitar.
I would play the guitar.
Modal verbs.
Could, had to, would не имеет прошлой формы  
I could play the guitar.
I had to play the guitar.
Modal verbs.
Shall / will be able to, shall / will have to, would нет будущей формы
I’ll be able to play the guitar.
I’ll have to play the guitar.

Все времена simple. Глаголы, выражающие действия.

Verbs expressing actions.

I form of the verb:
1. I use / we use
2. You use
3. She, he, it uses
They use
Verbs expressing actions.
II form of the verb:
Regular verbs – for all nouns and pronouns: used.
Irregular verbs – for all nouns and pronouns: we learn the special form.
Verbs expressing actions.
Shall / will + I form:
I shall / will use and so on.
Sometimes, usually / as usual, often / frequently, seldom / rarely, always, never, occasionally, day out, every day (evening, morning), regularly / generally / as general, when
Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year (month, week, century), a week ago, an hour ago, in 2012, in summer, in June, at (the) weekends, when, the other day, when 
Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year (month, week, century), in a week, in an hour, in 2051, in summer, in June, at (the) weekends, when

Упражнения на тему все времена simple.

Итак, определяем все времена simple – Present Simple and Past Simple and Future Simple.

1. The last test / to be understandable and everybody / to understand and / to do it quite right (вполне правильно).

2. The teacher generally / to guess if the learner / not to do his tasks properly. She / to be professional and / to determine it quickly.

3. He occasionally / to pass the control works not very well. Last time he / to hugger-mugger hometasks and / to make many mistakes.

4. The other day you / to swear to slog at English but you really / to forget it and / to stay a lazybones (лентяй).

5. Are you in the know? In a month the day of self-government / to be. We / to govern our school ourselves!

6. From time to time the boy pleasantly / to astonish the teacher: he / to try hard at the lessons and / not to rush and / not to bully the girls at the breaks.

7. When the form-master / to bob into the classroom, the learners / to stand at their desks. – Когда классный руководитель вошёл в класс, учащиеся встали у своих парт. The teacher / to shine with a smile, / to say to sit down and / to begin the class.

8. Yesterday I / to hear news: in a week we / to pass a test on Maths.

стихи на английском языке

Письмо на английском. Снова в школу.

Write a composition as a private letter to Natasha. Answer her questions – письмо на английском языке.

Hello, Dasha, Sasha!

So nice of you to send me the letter so soon! It is so pleasant to get news from you! I hope you were able to enroll in the course of chess as you wished!

As for my events, I would like to tell you how I started the school year. I am always glad to return to school despite the fact that I am sorry for the summer that ended. At school I meet again my friends and my form-master. You know, that our teacher is the best in the world. She is clever and kind. She can teach and explain very well. But there are some subjects I cannot cope with (есть предметы, с которыми я не могу справиться). I cannot cope with Maths and Science. But I cope with English very well. Tell me, please! Do you enjoy returning to school? What do you like best in it? What subjects don’t you cope with well?

Sorry, but I should stop writing: I have to do a report on Literature. I am looking forward to getting a letter from you! Best wishes, Natasha.

What is our favourite subject of conversation? About the weather, of course! Please, describe the weather outdoors – про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке!

рассказать про погоду на английском


I. Determine the correct Tense:

1. Was, understood, did 2. Guesses, didn’t do / is, determines 3. Passes / hugger-muggered, made 4. Swore, forgot, stayed 5. Will be, are governing 6. Astonishes, tries, doesn’t rush, doesn’t bully 7. Bobbed, stood / shone, said, began 8. Heard, are passing


Итак, дорогие ученики, подведем итоги нашего занятия – let’s sum it up! Прежде всего, мы повторили все времена simple – Present Simple and Past Simple and Future Simple. Кроме того, мы выучили стихи про школу и разговариваем про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке и пишем – письмо на английском языке. В общем, мы большие молодцы – bully for you! Оставляйте свои комментарии и пожелания и задавайте вопросы, если они у вас появились. See you soon. And I am waiting for you at the following lesson!

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