
Фразовые глаголы look

Прежде всего, что такое фразовые глаголы? В английском языке, например, есть глагол to look со значением “смотреть”. Но как перевести to look for или to look after? Прочитаем сказку Полины, в которой употребляются фразовые глаголы look, а потом подробно разберемся с их значениями.

Фразовые глаголы look.

Текст. PAULINA IS FOND OF FAIRY-TALES. Полина любит сказки.

Paulina is fond of fairy-tales. She reads them day out and non-stop! Deep at night Paulina sank into her sweet dreams… And her fairy-tales began to mix themselves up!

Sleeping Beauty was looking for the golden key everywhere and properly. Loaf-the-round was piercing bravely the rash on the wall. Brave Loaf-the-round was looking forward to meeting with the fox. Step-mother was looking after seven dwarfs gently.

Winnie-the-Pooh rolled away from Granny and Grandpa quickly. Vendor-of-leeches was helping poor people as usual he did because he looked up to them very much. Cinderella went to her dreams and she was snoring aloud. Snow-White was scolding Step-mother awfully. Pinocchio was bullying bees and wanted to steal honey slyly.

Piglet was dancing at the ball gaily. The prince was looking at him in delight. He was looking on the pink Piglet until the clock struck 12. Robin Hood was vending leeches with great pleasure. Seven dwarfs were trying hard to blow a balloon for Winnie-the-Pooh. Please, help Paulina to make up fairy-tales truly! The dreams chocked Paulina at all! We are looking forward to your help!


Фразовые глаголы look, словарик

Фразовые глаголы look.

Фразовые глаголы look

В английском языке есть такое понятие, как фразовые глаголы: phrasal verbs. После глагола появляется частица – particle, которая может либо слегка изменять значение слова the meaning of the word, либо меняет основное значение глагола до неузнаваемости. Это представляет некоторую сложность в изучении языка.

Our first phrasal verbs:

Look at – смотреть на; рассматривать какой-нибудь вопрос

Look for – искать что-либо, кого-либо

Also look after – ухаживать, заботиться

Look up – смотреть вверх; смотреть в словаре или справочнике

And look on – наблюдать = watch

Look forward to – ждать с нетерпением

Also look up to – уважать

Упражнения. Анализируем фразовые глаголы look.

I. Read and analyze the following sentences:

1. You will have to look up new words in the dictionary (в словаре) if you want to know English well. 2. Everybody looks up to our new teacher and we always look forward to her coming in class. 3. Granny asked to help her to look for her glasses (очки; glass – стекло, стакан). And she was looking on my looking-for with her glasses on the forehead. Droll! 4. We looked up at the sky to admire (любоваться) the stars. We were looking on them for much pleasant time.

5. She enjoys looking after her kitten. 6. I don’t look up to the boys who bully our girls. 7. The teacher didn’t look at us and we copied out the answers of the Internet. 8. You are so lazy to look up the translation and pronunciation of new words! I am looking on your vain (тщетный, напрасный) studying for some time and I can sum it up (делать выводы, подводить итог): you have to look up to the golden rule of Natalya Stanislavovna. 9. She looks up to all flowers and she doesn’t mind looking on them and looking after them at all. 10. We looked at him gladly and said that we would be looking forward to seeing him again and soon.

Фразовые глаголы look – поставьте правильную частичку.

II. Fill in the gaps. Put the necessary particles:

1. I must look … (ухаживать за) my puppy. 2. She looks … … (уважать) the Tom Thumb (мальчик-с-пальчик) who works in the shiny and tiny shop. 3. Tom Thumb always looks … (смотреть в справочнике) in the guide goods that his clients would like to buy. 4. Girl-with-the-blue-hair can’t look … (смотреть на) the leeches that Vender-of-leeches vends. 5. Step Mother looks … (ухаживать за) Sleeping Beauty who snores aloud.

6. Piglet looked … … (смотреть вверх на) Winnie-the-Pooh who was in the sky like a cloudlet. 7. Pinocchio would like to look … (посмотреть на) loaf-the-round who pierced the rash on the wall. 8. Cinderella looked rather sadly … (смотреть на) Piglet who danced at the ball gaily. 9. Vendor-of-leeches helped poor people and looked … (искать) leeches for them in a friendly way. 10. Loaf-the-round wanted to regale (угощать) everybody with special stuffing (наполнитель, начинка) and looked … (ухаживать) leeches carefully.

Письмо на английском про чтение.

Пишем письма – письмо на английском языке.

Hello, Paulina / Vlad!

It is so nice of you to write me back soon! I have been always pleased to get your letters! You are lucky to answer all questions on the Maths test and to get a “five”!

As for my events, I would like to write about reading. When I was a little child, I didn’t want to learn to read. But mom said that it would be interesting to read when I learn it to do. At last, I learnt to read. But it isn’t interesting to me at all!  And what about you? Do you enjoy reading books? If you do, what books do you prefer reading? My girl-friend, Paulina by name, feels like reading fairy-tales.

Sorry, I have to part with you at the moment: we are having a picnic tonight. Everybody is calling me out. Write back soon! Best wishes, Natasha. 

What original question do we want to ask you? About the weather, of course! We relish speaking about the weather! What mood have you got in such weather? What does the weather-forecast promise? А также смотрите про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке? 

рассказать про погоду на английском языке

Ответы к упражнениям.

II. Fill in the gaps. Put the necessary particle:

1. For 2. Up to 3. Up 4. At 5. After 6. Up at 7. At 8. At 9. For 10. After


Итак, дорогие ученики, подведем итоги нашего занятия – let’s sum it up! Прежде всего, before all, узнали про то, что такое фразовые глаголы. Между прочим, by the way, как переводится look up to and look forward to? В добавок к этому, in addition to it, мы продолжаем писать письма на английском языке – письмо на английском языке. И в довершение разговариваем про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке – we speak about the weather in winter, in spring and in autumn. Bully for you! Оставляйте свои комментарии и пожелания – leave your comments and wishes и задавайте вопросы, если они у вас появились – ask you questions if they appear. See you soon. And I am looking forward to you at the following lesson!

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