conjunction chto eto

Conjunction что это

В английском языке есть достаточно понятий, которые отсутствуют в русском языке. Например, такие как герундий или фразовые глаголы. А также частички, которые иногда называют предлогами, хотя они следуют после глаголов. Conjunction что это – разбираемся на этом занятии. Но начнем с повторения пройденного материала – с прочтения текста прошлого урока, в котором мы сталкиваемся с глаголом-связкой to have. Обратите внимание на использование предложных союзов – conjunctions.

Conjunction что это?

Текст. A BUSY DAY OF MINE. Повторение.

Every day I have a lot to do, indeed! And what did I do, for example, yesterday? In the morning, first, to be in high spirits in the gloomy weather, I had a shower. Second, I had breakfast with great pleasure. Then I had a try to get out in time, otherwise I could be late for the lesson.

I had a look at my school-bag to check up if I took everything necessary for study and had a quick run to school. At school I am always sleepy after having a cozy sleep in my cozy bed and I would have a nap a bit at Maths. To tell you the truth, I had forty winks at Art. And I wasn’t surprised when I had a bad mark for my picture…

At the break I had lunch as usual and had tea with a sausage in the batter. Then I had a joyful chat with my spry schoolmates. After school despite the gloomy and unpleasant weather I had a good mood and I had a short walk with Masha.

At home while listening to some lovely music I had a quick snack. After having food instead of having a long rest I had a lot of home tasks to do. In the evening I had a usual talk with my parents. The day was over! I had a sweet dream to have a deserved rest. At last, I had a warm bath. Then I had a lie down, finally. Good night, sleep tight!


Conjunction что это, словарь к тексту

Conjunction что это?

Conjunction что это

Conjunction что это? Анализируем на примерах.

Read and analyze:

1. After having a nap I had a better mood. 2. Before setting off to school I checked up the necessary things I took. 3. While having a short walk we were having a lovely talk. 4. Despite spending a difficult day we were chatting with joy for the whole evening. 5. In spite of the nasty weather and drizzling they went outdoors for a fresh air. 6. On coming home I had some cold water. 7. Instead of mugging the text I made a crib. 8. On having a shower he went to sleep. 9. Despite having fourty winks for some time he felt sleepy. 10. While rising the sun was getting warmer and warmer and even heating.

Упражнения на тему conjunction что это.

II. Give the translation using your knowledge about conjunctions:

1. После того, как я встал, я отправился в ванну. 2. После того, как я умылся, я позавтракал. 3. Пока я завтракал, я слушал музыку. 4. Несмотря на то, что я торопился в школу, я опоздал немного. 5. Опоздав на урок, я пропустил немного. 6. Вместо того, чтобы делать домашнее задание, я отдыхал немного. 7. Пока мы обедали с родителями, мы болтали. 8. Несмотря на то, что я устал, я продолжал делать домашнюю работу. 9. Поужинав, я плавал в интернете. 10. После того, как я принял душ, я прилёг.

Письмо на английском. Любимое время года.

письмо на английском языке про любимое время года

Пишем про любимое время года – письмо на английском языке.

Hello, Olya / Kolya!

As always, I have read your letter with pleasure! Thanks for writing to me so soon and so interesting! You made me gladdened that you had been to Turkey.

As for me, I go on learning and it has bored me to death. The teachers overload us. I am always learning, learning, learning. To tell you the truth, I don’t like autumn, in general. The days are getting shorter and colder. It is dimming out outdoors earlier and earlier. It is drizzling and I feel like sleeping. But on the autumn holidays I am going to Sochi on the competitions. It is still warm there. And one may even swim in the sea and sunbathe. What is your favourite season? What weather do you prefer? And what do you usually do in autumn?

Sorry, but I am stopping writing now: I have had many studies today and I am going to bed right now. I am looking forward to your answer! Write back soon! Sincerely yours, Natasha. 

What is our favourite subject of conversation? About the weather, of course!

Describe the weather outdoors and repeat the following expressions – пожалуй, мы не забываем – про погоду – про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке.

рассказать про погоду на английском языке

Ответы. Conjunction что это?

I. Give the translation using your knowledge about conjunctions:

1. After getting up I set off to the bathroom. 2. After washing my face and hands I had breakfast. 3. While having breakfast I was listening to some music. 4. In spite of (despite) hurrying up I was late for class a little. 5. On being late I missed out a little. 6. Instead of carrying out homework I was having a rest. 7. While having dinner with my parents we were having a talk. 8. Despite being tired I continued doing my homework. 9. On having supper I was surfing on the Internet. 10. After having a shower I had a lie down.  


Итак, дорогие ученики, подведем итоги нашего занятия – let’s sum it up! Прежде всего, мы узнали, что такое предложные союзы – conjunctions. А также, пишем – письмо на английском языке и рассказываем – про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной. В общем, мы большие молодцы – bully for you! Оставляйте свои комментарии и пожелания и задавайте вопросы, если они у вас появились. See you soon. And see you at the following lesson!

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