
Когда использовать Perfect

Тема сегодняшнего урока – когда использовать Perfect. На прошлом уроке мы уже начали разбираться в этой теме Present Perfect – что это и Present Perfect или Past, но поскольку обстоятельств Perfect достаточно, мы решили рассмотреть его на нескольких занятиях. А также прочитаем занимательную сказку про то, как появились неправильные глаголы. В тексте встретились однотипно спрягающиеся глаголы, которые удобно будет выучить.

когда использовать Perfect


Here we are in the Present Simple Tense! Here is a simple and ordinary kingdom! What wonderful, just excellent times! What a wonderful, just excellent kingdom! In the kingdom there dwell its simple and ordinary dwellers – verbs. And here is the main verb To Be and his true suite To Have and Can. They rule right and justifiably. And the ordinary verbs have to do and can do everything.

The ordinary verb To Think thinks of new rules to rule the country right and justifiably. He is famous for his wisdom.

The ordinary verb To Teach teaches to spell regular verbs right. He is famous for his strictness.

The ordinary verb To Seek doesn’t play hide-and-seek. The ordinary verb To Seek seeks for mistakes that other ordinary verbs can make and sends guilty verbs to the ordinary verb To Teach. Sometimes in his free time he seeks the forest for mushrooms and berries. 

The ordinary verb To Buy buys tasty things in the luxurious shops and spices for mushrooms and sugar for berries. And the ordinary verb To Bring brings on the waiter dishes full of delicious food.

The ordinary verb To Fight fights with the peaceful kingdom’s enemies. Everything is right and justifiable in the kingdom, in the Present Simple Tense!

The verb to be came back.

But once the main verb To Be decided to travel to the Past Simple Tense… And he knows exactly… There is a strict law: in the Past Simple Tense all verbs must take the ending –ed. The ordinary verbs think twice, teach wisely, seek carefully, buy the best, bring a lot, fight bravely…  Everything is right and regular in his kingdom.

Some time passed by, the main verb To Be relished travelling and, at last, came back to the kingdom of his. And what did he find? He even started to stammer and stutter…

Lawks! The ordinary verb To Think…thought…thought only about thick and fubsy, lively and lovely cockroaches!

Lawks! The ordinary verb To Teach… taught… taught only how to grow up thick and fubsy, lively and lovely cockroaches!

Lawks! The ordinary verb To Seek… sought… sought only for thick and fubsy, lively and lovely cockroaches!

Lawks! The ordinary verb To Catch… caught… caught only thick and fubsy, lively and lovely cockroaches!

Lawks! The ordinary verb To Buy… bought… bought only thick and fubsy, lively and lovely cockroaches from the luxurious shops.

Lawks! The ordinary verb To Bring… brought… brought a waiter with dishes full of thick and fubsy, lively and lovely cockroaches!  The cockroaches were wiggling their whiskers and smiling in a friendly way.

To Think! – the king shouted in despair grabbing his head. – What did you think about? Wobbler! To Teach! What did you teach? Wobbler! To Bring! What did you bring? Wobbler! You used to be so right! And now, all of a sudden … You all did everything wrong! First, last and all the time! You are irregular verbs!


словарь на тему когда использовать Perfect

Когда использовать perfect?

1. Already (уже) – yet (уже, ещё). Итак, прочтите следующие примеры и сравните:

They have already made a pig of themselves. – Они уже объелись.

Have they made a pig of themselves yet? – Они уже объелись?

They haven’t made a pig of themselves yet. – Они ещё не объелись.

То есть в утвердительных предложениях мы используем already со значением «уже». Но при вопросах со значением «уже» мы употребляем yet. А также в отрицательных предложениях yet имеет значение «ещё». А как, например, предложение типа:

Have they made a pig of themselves already? – Оно тоже существует, но мы тогда не спрашиваем, а выражаем удивление в вопросительной форме: неужели они объелись? Уже? Запоминайте, в какой части предложения следует писать обстоятельства Present Perfect. Это очень важно.

2. Never (никогда) – ever (когда-либо)

She has never helped me to borsch. – Она никогда не угощала меня борщом.

Has she ever helped you to borsch? – Она когда-либо угощала тебя борщом?

3. Lately – недавно, на днях

She has canned cucumbers lately. – Недавно, на днях она консервировала огурцы.

То есть слово “late” – со значением «поздний, поздно» никакого отношения к слову “lately” не имеет. Не путайте употребление “lately” (недавно, на днях), а также употребление “the other day” (недавно, на днях).

She canned cucumbers the other day. – Она недавно консервировала огурцы (Past Simple).

Упражнения на тему когда использовать Perfect.

Пройденные ранее времена можно посмотреть по ссылкам – Present Simple and Past Simple and Future Simple and Длительное время continuous and Past Continuous and Present Perfect.

I. Determine the correct Tense:

1. He / to seek for the guilty verbs …………………………..tomorrow

2. He / to grab his head ………………………………….tomorrow at this time

3. They / to pep us up …………………………………….yesterday

4. They / to buoy us ………………………………………..yesterday at this time

5. He / to slur something ……………………………….can you hear?

6. They / to hug each other …………………………….always

7. He / to coach us………………………………………….…..day out

8. You / to snap at the teacher ………………………..ever?

9. We / to win …………………………………………….…….lately

10. He / to cut this class …………………………………..three times

II. Determine the correct Tense. There are some Tenses in some sentences:

1. The king / already / to travel to the Past Simple Tense. 2. The king / often / to relish / to travel all over Tenses. 3. The king / to be in Future lately. – Really? – Yes, the king / to be in Future the other day. 4. This kingdom is the most impressive I / ever / to see and / to stay in. 5. This week the verbs / to seek for, / to catch, / to bring and / to teach only lovely and lively cockroaches.

6. Help! The cockroaches / to mob around the king and / to hug him tight! 7. Cockroaches / always / to buoy the king and / to pep him up. 8. You / to begin / to learn signal words of Present Perfect / yet? – Yes, we / to begin / to learn them the other day. Tomorrow at this time we / to begin / to learn other signal words of it.

Не забываем, как описывать картинки.

описать картинки на английском

Письмо на английском.

А также, пишем – письмо на английском языке.

Hello, Anya / Maxim!

How nice of to write me back so soon! It is always joyful to get letters from you! As I have understood you go on practicing sports thanks to that you are in high spirits, don’t you?

As for my news, I am going to visit Russia in November. My parents suddenly decided to take holidays for a week. So we will be able to meet together in the nearest future. Could you tell me what the weather is like in autumn in Russia? What clothes should I take in this month that I want to come? They say that there is an Indian autumn (бабье лето) in Russia in September. Can you explain what it means?

Sorry, but I should stop writing the letter: there are lots of studies I must do. I am looking forward to your answer and I already hope for our meeting.

Sincerely yours, Natasha.  

Everybody relishes speaking about the weather. Now we are waiting for your description of the weather. Is it wonderful or nasty today outdoors? What mood are you in in such weather? What does the weather-forecast promise? – Но самая любимая у нас тема для разговора – про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке.  

рассказать про погоду на английском языке

Ответы на тему когда использовать Perfect.

I. Determinethe correct Tense:

1. He will seek for 2. He will be grabbing 3. They pepped us up 4. They were buoying 5. He slurred 6. They have always hugged 7. He coaches 8. Have you ever snapped at 9. We have won 10. He has cut

II. Determinethe correct Tense. Here are some Tenses in some sentences:

1. Has already travelled 2. Often relishes travelling 3. Has been / was 4. I have ever seen and have stayed in 5. Have sought for / caught / brought / taught 6. Are mobbing / are hugging 7. Have always buoyed / have pepped him up 8. Have you began to learn / began / will be beginning


Итак, дорогие ученики, подведем итоги нашего занятия – let’s sum it up! Мы продолжаем разбираться, когда использовать Perfect. Этой теме посвящаются еще два урока. Более того, мы поработали с временами английского языка – Present Simple and Past Simple and Future Simple and Длительное время continuous and Past Continuous and Present Perfect. Но самая любимая у нас тема для разговора – про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной на английском языке. А также, пишем – письмо на английском языке и знаем, как описывать картинки. В общем, мы большие молодцы – bully for you! Оставляйте свои комментарии и пожелания и задавайте вопросы, если они у вас появились. See you soon. And I am waiting for you at the following lesson!

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