Разговаривать на английском языке без предлогов невозможно! Но и заучивать конкретные случаи употребления предлогов – тоже кропотливый труд. На сегодняшнем уроке рассмотрим глагол to be с предлогами. А также объясним конкретные случаи употребления предлогов. Прочитайте веселую сказку про Золушку, в которой вы найдете употребление глагола to be.
Содержание записи:
Текст с использованием to be с предлогами. CINDERELLA. MAYBE… IT WAS ON THE CONTRARY?
Once there lived an angry girl Cinderella by name … She was thick and fubsy, however. Her face and hands were warty at all. Indeed, she was awful in this wonderful elvish fairy-tale! Cinderella was hugger-muggering and hurry-scurrying everything and this everything, she was touching on, became warty too. She wasn’t good at work at all!
She was simply a lazybones! And can you imagine? All day long she was busy with her ball-dresses and chucking them all over the house, exclaiming how joyful and spry the ball had been recently! From morning till evening she was waspish and angry with Step-mother. Poor thing, bonny Step-mother was full of work about the house all day long and even at night, under the flickering candles. Rude Cinderella was scolding, was always speaking at polite and shy Step-mother for everything.
Patient Step-mother was afraid of Cinderella and slogged on and on… That’s why she was so thin and slim. Nice Step-mother had a waspish waist to wear a lovely and luxurious robing! But thick and fubsy Cinderella was sad at her unimaginable beauty. You know, she was famous for her awful character. Everybody was sorry for Step-mother because the poor thing was tired of work to the bone. And Cinderella wasn’t pleased with her again and again. She was ashamed of Step-mother’s sloppy dresses, she was booing her and wooing to wash them quickly!
Paulina, close the book, close your eyes and go to bed! Your fairy-tale has really mixed itself up! Good night, sleep tight!
Словарик к тексту. Vocabulary.
Глагол to be с предлогами.
Объяснения предлогов после глагола to be.
Однако большинство предлогов можно объяснить. То есть не зазубривать каждый случай отдельно. Например, предлог with часто соответствует творительному падежу (кем? чем?) в русском языке:
To be busy [‘bizi] with – быть занятым (кем? чем?)
To be pleased [pli:zd] with – быть довольным (то есть кем? чем?)
To be angry with – быть недовольным (также кем? чем?)
To be sad with – быть расстроенным
Предлог of часто соответствует родительному падежу (кого? чего?) в русском языке:
To be full of – быть полным (то есть кого? чего?)
To be afraid of – бояться (то есть кого? чего?)
To be tired of – уставать от (то есть от кого? чего?)
To be ashamed of – стыдиться (то есть кого? чего?)
Предлог for соответствует предлогам «за», «для» в русском языке:
To be famous for – быть знаменитым за что-то (то есть за что?)
To be sorry for – жалеть кого-то, сожалеть за что-то
Упражнения на тему to be с предлогами.
II. Ask special questions with prepositions:
1. The classroom was full of learners. 2. I will be busy with my chars at the weekends. 3. The booby got angry with the teacher. 4. The booby became sad with the bad mark. 5. The teacher has become pleased with the better booby. 6. Pupils have been tired of studies. 7. The singer is getting to be famous for his voice (голос). 8. The teacher raised his voice because he didn’t learn Passive Voice. 9. The bobby was sorry for his being late in the race. 10. The teacher will be ashamed of his boobies if he isn’t able to share his knowledge.
Описываем картинки – описание картинок.
What is our favourable subject of conversation? About the weather, without doubt! The weather is still pleasant and gladdening you, isn’t it? What mood have you got in such weather? What does the weather-forecast promise? Между прочим, какая у нас любимая тема для разговоров? О погоде, конечно! Если забыли, как описать погоду, переходите по ссылкам- про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной.
Ответы к упражнениям. Keys.
I. Say it in English with prepositions:
1. To be pleased with 2. Be sad at 3. To be tired of 4. Be full of 5. To be afraid of 6. Be ashamed of 7. To be famous of 8. Be busy with 9. To be pleased with 10. Be good at 11. To be angry with 12. Be sorry for
II. Ask special questions with prepositions:
1. Who was the classroom full of? 2. What will you be busy with at the weekends? 3. Who did the booby get angry with? 4. What did the booby become sad with? 5. Who has the teacher become pleased with? 6. What have the pupils been tired of? 7. What is the singer getting to be famous for? 8. Why did the teacher raise his voice? 9. What was the bobby sorry for? 10. What will the teacher be ashamed of if he isn’t able to share his knowledge?
Заключение. Conclusion.
Итак, дорогие ученики! Подводим итоги настоящего урока. Во-первых, мы прочитали веселую сказку про Золушку, в которой использовалось много случаем с употреблением глагола to be c предлогами. Во-вторых. мы познакомились с правилами, когда употребляются конкретные предлоги. Не забываем описывать картинки – описание картинок. А также рассказываем про погоду – про погоду зимой или про погоду осенью или про погоду весной – bully for you! Пишите комментарии, а также задавайте свои вопросы, если они у вас появились. See you at the following lessons!