Глаголы животные

Итак, продолжаем тему животные, но уже не как первоклассники, которые знают, что cat – это кот, a dog – это собака. Согласитесь, это довольно примитивно и скучно! Сегодня наша тема – глаголы животные.

глаголы животные и идиомы

Глаголы животные в упражнениях I.

Determine the correct Tense. Определите правильное время. Для справки используйте следующие ссылки: все времена Continuous, когда употреблять Perfect, Past Perfect

1. The cat / to dog the mouse for long. And now the cat and the mouse / to be out of breath

2. Have you heard? The fox / to pigeon the pigeon and the pigeon / to fox the fox; they / to fox and / to pigeon each other / for the whole day

3. The snail / to worm to the worm’s place to worm out a secret 7 times! But while she / to sleep on the tree at night, she / to slip down the tree again and again. (The obvious – очевидные – facts from the eleventh form exams)

4. The fish / not can / to fish for any secret from the worm. And the worm / not can / to worm out any secret from the fish. Because they / always / to live in different layers of animals

5. Do you know the fish story? The fox / never / to fox / somebody, the wolf / never / to wolf down / somebody, the dog / never / to dog / somebody, the cow / never / to cow / somebody, the bear / never / to bear with / somebody

6. For the whole last week we / to discuss animals. And all the pupils / to agree that the cat / can / to cat: he / constantly / to lick himself

Глаголы животные в упражнениях II.

7. The cock / just / to fly on the cock (of hey) and / to cock his nose

8. All the animals / to be tired to the bone now. They / to try to understand why fishes / not can / to feed the fishes (Feed the fishes – утонуть)

9. The three bears / have to / already the fifteenth serial / to bear with the apple-pie order that Masha / constantly / to make (apple-pie order – образцовый порядок)

10. The fox / to wolf down loaf-the-round / in 37 tales in succession. (In succession – подряд, succession – последовательность, непрерывный ряд)

11. The goat / to play the goat / ever?

12. The bull / to tell the cock a cock-and-bull story for some hours that he / to bull in singing since the last concert in the Bolshoi theatre. The cock / to be in shock now

идиомы на английском


1. Was dogging / are out 2. Has pigeoned / has foxed / were foxing / were pigeoning 3. Has wormed / was sleeping, was slipping 4. Isn’t able to fish, can’t worm out / are always living 5. Has never foxed anybody, has never wolfed down anybody, has never dogged anybody, has never cowed anybody, has never born anybody 6. Were discussing / agreed, can cat / is constantly licking 7. Has just flown 8. Are / are trying to understand, can’t feed 8. Have had / is (was) constantly making 9. Has wolfed down 10. Has the goat ever played the goat? 11. Was telling, has bulled / is


Итак, дорогие ученики, подведем итоги! Как все-таки переводятся глаголы животные, если это to bull, to cow, to cock, to horse? А также как мы теперь переведем выражение: to feed the fishes? to play the goat? Оставайтесь с нами, подписывайтесь на уроки и задавайте свои вопросы! Не пропускайте следующие уроки! И не забывайте повторять предыдущие уроки по говорению. Гора крестов. Самое старое дерево. Необычный ресторан. Что происходит в Китае. Самое маленькое государство. Подписывайтесь на наш канал и оставляйте свои комментарии!

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